Package management
This service supports the delivery of a homecare package and involves us doing all your admin so you don’t have to worry about it. Please note that this service is separate to our care management service.
So what makes our package management service special?
The government caps package management fees at 20%. Our fee is just 7% – the lowest in the market.
What is included
in package management
This service includes:
Preparing invoices and monthly statements
Responding to inquiries about invoices
Submitting claims to Services Australia
Maintaining and updating Income Tested Care Fee and basic daily fee payments
Paperwork for ceasing care
Storing and maintaining records
Ensuring staff are suitable (such as with police checks and immunisation checks)
Training and educating staff
Conducting quality improvement, compliance, and assurance activities
Complete financial reporting
Maintaining COVID-19 vaccination compliance documents
Regardless of your chosen care model, package management services are compulsory for all providers to ensure effective oversight and quality control.
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How Homecare My Way delivers package management differently
Our approach is all about putting your needs front and centre. Our service stands out through:
Personalised attention
We tailor our services to fit around you, ensuring that you receive individualised support.
Financial transparency
We provide clear and timely updates on your activities, including invoices, claims, and financial reporting.
Comprehensive oversight
We handle all aspects of service with meticulous attention to detail, from staff suitability and training to compliance and quality assurance.
Proactive support
We’re forward-thinking in addressing any issues or changes in your care needs, ensuring your support is efficient and effective.
These features ensure that package management with Homecare My Way is not only thorough but also aligned with your personal care goals and requirements.
Everything you need to know